- 1-up mushroom
- 3-Up Moon
- 4 Headed Bulldog
- 6ball
- A-Human
- Aard-ephru
- Aardcroc
- Aardvark person
- Abomibumble
- Aboogala
- Accordianteater
- Achatina
- Achernonian
- Acid Lizard
- Aciedactylus mandocaris
- Acklay
- Acorril
- Acroankylosaurus
- Acrocanthops
- Acrocanthosaurus striata
- Addonian
- Adlapsusaurus craninsulamus
- Aecyto Weevil
- Aerodactyl
- Aerosaur
- Afanc
- African Manticorant
- African bristlehorn
- African graboid
- African megahorn
- African toothpick
- Agile hopper
- Agropelter
- Ahuizotl
- Aigamuxa
- Aigner-Clark’s day gecko
- Air Cheep
- Akrennian
- Al Packa
- Alangasaurus
- Alankylosaurus
- Alaskan Shuttlecock
- Alastor's deer (SWRC)
- Alayssian Ape
- Alayssian Komodo
- Alayssian Moa
- Alayssian Sea Lion
- Alayssiohippus
- Albatoss
- Albertospinos
- Albino Penguin (Cthulhu Mythos)
- Albino screaming gorilla
- Alcione relinquere
- Alfred's Hitchcock
- Alicorn
- Alien (The Sims)
- Alien Bigfoot
- Alien Goat
- Alien Grunt
- Alligator-headed fairy
- Allodaposuchus exterminator
- Allonogmius
- Alloraptor
- Allosaurus
- Allosaurus therotribus
- Allosinosaurus
- Alolan Muk
- Alolan Ninetales
- Alolan Raichu
- Alolan Raticate
- Alomomola
- Alpacataur
- Alpine hona
- Altirhinus ramadacephala
- Amargocephalus
- Amargospinus
- Amazon
- Amazonian
- American Drakhan
- American True Hyena (Crocuta americanus)
- American Wild Dog (Lycaon americanus)
- American grasbuck
- American woolly therizinosaur
- Ammonitina multiamicus
- Amp eel
- Amphibiosan
- Amphithere
- Amulocetus amphibius
- Ancalagon the Black
- Ancestor of all Warm-Blooded Animals
- Anchorwhip
- Ancient Greece Minotaur
- Ancient parrothawk
- Anciskan Orange-Band Florgust
- Andean upclaw
- Andrewtodon
- Andromedan
- Angel (Evangelion)
- Angel (Mythology)
- Angry Sun
- Anguirus
- Anklebiter
- Ankloranodon
- Ankura gungan
- Ankylocodon
- Ankylodicurus
- Ankylodocus
- Ankylosaurus armatus
- Ankylosaurus crassacutis
- Ankylosaurus sornaensis
- Ankylosaurus spicea
- Ankyntrosaurus
- Ant trooper
- Antarctovenator
- Anti-Fairy
- Anti-Fairy Dog
- Antman
- Antorian Pebblet
- Antroid
- Ants-on-a-cob
- Anvilbeak
- Anxious Dog
- Aoteroan Xenocrow
- Apatosaurus gigas
- Apatosaurus ingens
- Apeis stupidius
- Appalachian Mud Squid
- Aquamorph
- Aquatic
- Aquatic Ape
- Aquatitan
- Aquilamimus
- Aracha
- Arachni-lobster
- Arachnids (Starship Troopers)
- Arachnimorph
- Arbok
- Arbourarmour
- Arceus
- Archaeophicyon
- Archaeopteryx magnamilvum
- Arctic Graboid
- Arctic Peeper
- Arctic Rabbuck
- Arctic camel
- Arctium longevus
- Arctotitan
- Arcturian
- Ardentismaxima
- Ardontosaurus
- Argentinian bullid
- Argentinosaurus macrorhynchos
- Argonian
- Arian
- Armadillo lion
- Armatell
- Armiger rex
- Armored Headcrab
- Armormata
- Arquillian
- Arrowtongue
- Arthropluera felsanguis
- Articuno
- Artificial Intelligence (The Creator)
- Asgard
- Asgardian wolf
- Asogian
- Asperdorsus bellator
- Asura
- Asuryani
- Atacama cazarrio
- Atlan Carnivore
- Atlan Scavenger
- Atlantean (DC)
- Atlantean (Marvel)
- Atlantic Sea King
- Atlantic bay-gull
- Atmospheric Jellyfish
- Atmospheric Salp
- Atomic Sludge
- Atrociraptor horridus
- Atrociraptor ignis
- Attack Frog
- Audrey II
- Austroposeidon dryas
- Avarusaurus
- Axehandle Hound
- Ayuwoki
- Azurite
- B0V1NE-09
- Baalgar
- Babookari
- Baboom
- Baboon hawk
- Backstringer
- Bacteria (Kane Pixels)
- Bad Rat
- Badgermole
- Badgerpus
- Badlands Creeper
- Baghirua
- Bait Robber
- Bajatonodon
- Bake-kujira
- Bakeneko
- Bakera
- Baku
- Baku (Spec Dinosauria)
- Balaclav
- Balan's species
- Ball-headded puppet
- Ball-tailed cat
- Balloon Maker Dantini
- Balundaur
- Banana Bird
- Banana Fairy
- Bananaman
- Bananostrich
- Banded Bumblet
- Banded treerunner
- Bandersnatch grassbag
- Bandipus
- Banshee (Mythology)
- Banshee (Spiderwick Chronicles)
- Banshees (Avatar)
- Barbar
- Barbaridactylus magnificens
- Barbegazi
- Bardelot
- Barlgura
- Barnett's zallingersaur
- Barracu
- Bartzillasaurus braticus
- Baryonyx aquafulgur
- Bas
- Basilosaurus solatiumfecit
- Bastiodon
- Battletoad
- Batweasel
- Bavarionyx
- BeMeebEth
- Bean
- Bear Owl
- Bear Pear
- Bearded hopper
- Beast (Days of Monsters)
- Beast of Bray Road
- Beast of Busco
- Beastman (Warhammer)
- Beaver (After Man)
- Bedcrab
- Bee mushroom
- Beelzebufo palucocus
- Beetle mimic
- Beetleroach
- Behemoth (MonsterVerse)
- Behemoth (Trevor Henderson)
- Beholder (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
- Bellringer
- Belubos
- Benthic crawler
- Benthogyrinus giganteus
- Berenstain’s bear
- Bergen
- Bergman's Bear
- Bewear
- Bewilderbeast
- Bibarel
- Biddybud
- Big-tailed lynx
- Big Ant Trooper
- Big Beak
- Big Caesar
- Big Charlie
- Big Chickuna
- Big Koopa Paratroopa
- Big Man
- Big Red Galliwalt
- Big Yellow Gigaduck
- Big cheep cheep
- Big mushroom rabbit
- Bigfin (Baby Shark’s Big Show)
- Bigfoot
- Bigheadosaurus
- Bigus Canarius
- Billdad
- Biollante
- BirchWoods Creeper
- Birdiy
- Birdo
- Birdoroo
- Bishop's Parasol
- Bit
- Bite Monkey
- Biter
- Black-Backed Serilope
- Black-Cheeked Canary
- Black & White Tiger
- Black Army (Y School Heroes)
- Black Beast
- Black Dart
- Black Eelsnake
- Black Martian
- Black Phooka
- Black Xenocrow
- Black mourning spider
- Blacktip
- Blade Scorpion
- Blastling
- Blastoise
- Blatella asahinai sapien
- Blazion
- Blemmyae
- BlenderMan
- Blenderman
- Bliblie
- Blighter
- Blimp fruit
- Blinky the Three-Eyed Fish
- Blixus
- Blood-tailed Alvie
- Blood Siren Head
- Blood Thrasher
- Bloop (Cryptozoology)
- Bloop (Hololive)
- Blooper
- Blue-Crowned False Nuthatch
- Blue-Faced Fruit-Arbro
- Blue-Finned Elephant Tuna
- Blue-Winged Arbro
- Blue-footed newt
- Blue-hooded barrelfish
- Blue-tongued tuatara
- Blue Chocobo
- Blue Demon
- Blue Electrokoopa
- Blue Larion
- Blue Moon (Yokai)
- Blue Skunk
- Blue berry
- Blue cataquack
- Blue ukiki
- Blueback penguin
- Bluepon